As It Is
ILE1CDCD"ILEMENTS is a child of the Island of Saint-Martin, deeply influenced byhis Caribbean origins and the Rastafarian movement. Now a resident ofFrance, ILEMENTS established himself on the international reggae sceneat the dawn of the 2010s for his talents as a conscious singer andasserts himself as an English-speaking author, composer, producer andperformer.In 2025, ILEMENTS is back strong with "AS IT IS", a new album in whichintrospection, spirituality and celebration translate conscious lyrics, setto roots reggae and rub-a-dub productions. With all the energy he isknown for behind a microphone, Ilements surrounds himself in thestudio with the cream of reggae musicians in France: Kubix, Saymon,Boris and Smart from Danakil, as well as Manjul.A personal story carefully set to music and whose musical color payshomage to the singer's Caribbean roots.