Where Spirits Withers In Its Flesh Constraint
" Ripping right out of the gates, HEXECUTOR continue their evolution unabated, adding once again to the richness of their music, and this time with songwriting from both their former and new lead guitarists. Their core is still thrash metal, but even just a cursory listen of .Where Spirit Withers in Its Flesh Constraint reveals that theres few "thrash" records that will sound like this - this year, or the next, or the year after that. Seemingly effortlessly - or, at least, with some strange magick unique to them - HEXECUTOR lurk yonder into realms both black and more traditionally heavy metal, even venturing far afield into some progressives touches. And whereas Beyond Any Human Conception of Knowledge. carried a huge conceptual weight, the feeling across .Where Spirit Withers in Its Flesh Constraint is freer and almost airier, despite this still being DARK heavy metal at its core.