Demonic Assassination
Despite forming in 2013 and a couple demos and a split over those first few years, it wasnt until HELLCRASHs debut album, Krvcifix Invertor, where the band started to make a dark name for itself. Released on vinyl by DYING VICTIMS in 2021, Krvcifix Invertor proved HELLCRASH were a power-trio in the grand tradition of domestic legends Bulldozer, brewing a similarly sleazy (and EVIL) style of speed metal. Simple but sublime it was, and diehards definitely took notice. Still sick, still sleazy, and definitely still crude & rude, HELLCRASH are firing on ALL cylinders here, and not just the old ones. So, while the aforementioned references still apply, Demonic Assassination is equally recommended for maniacs of later GBH, Carnivore, Warfare, Crumbsuckers, and contemporaries Children of Technology.