Too Cool For School
Propelled by the fierce beat of pro skateboarder Kristian Svitak, The Heartaches dry hump their way through 15 tracks of quintessential punk bliss. Although there are indeed cues taken from everybodys favorite bands (the saints, the ramones,the victims, the psycho surgeons, fun things, the kinks, real kids, rolling stones, elvis) the heartaches create a familiar yet lost pop innocence that could only happen in 2006. Hear timeless punk rock n roll elucidated by cro-magnon sensibilities! Hear severely inhibited chord thuggery convey passionately tuneful pop masterpieces! Hear the am sounds of the 60s stand alongside 70s classic punk and the untamed frontier of wild 50s rock n roll! Their agitated thrusting blurs the identities of these formidable confections and forces them into one congealed, pacified, pulp. In short, indeed this is one rocking record!