Full Contact 69
(wo)man Machine (version 2015)
The next logical chapter of the highly acclaimed Man Machine album - even more catching, groovy & loud! Released in 2013, (Wo)man Machine demonstrated massive progress on all fronts for FULL CONTACT 69 and immediately turned this band in one of the best new acts in the modern EBM/Industrial-scene. FC69 was invited to the major European festivals and won the annual Battle of the Bands of Sonic Seducer Music Magazine as best newcomers. With (Wo)man Machine Andreas Schubert continues to follow the concept of an authentic dark electro & true EBM sound and uncompromising electro-industrial in best Canadian traditions, taking his place among such projects as PORTION CONTROL, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, DIVE, SKINNY PUPPY, ESCALATOR, UNIT 187 etc. FULL CONTACT 69 is trying to keep its distance from many modern commercial trends and do not try to flirt with gothic or alt-audiences, and therefore sometimes seem a bit like the"black sheep" among other similar bands - especially n Germany. For a long time this album was available as CD-R only, this re-release (Version.2015), contains a few extra tracks previously available only on digital platforms.