Ensemble Kinari

Ensemble Kinari, Jean Francaix E William Walton

The idea of bringing together William Waltons "Quartet for Strings and Piano in D minor" and Jean Franaixs "Trio for Strings" was born from the desire of the Kinari Ensemble - founded in 2019 by Azusa Onishi (violin), Mizuho Ueyama (viola), Gianluca Pirisi (cello) and Flavia Salemme (piano) - to enhance two youthful compositions, extremely characteristic and rarely performed in the Italian scene. The Quartet was composed by Walton at the age of 16, then repeatedly revised throughout his life until 1975. Each movement has a strongly individual characterization, moving from traditional Celtic or traditional English music to Stravinsky-like harmonies and highly evocative melodies of a purely Neapolitan cut. The Trio di Franaix presents similar peculiarities, although all strongly oscillating in the dualism between the serious and the facetious, alternating moments of extreme lyricism and semi-avantgarde with exquisitely circus-like expressions. Kinari, from Japanese, is a term that describes the color of a fabric in its most natural, original and pure state - the musicians of the Ensemble Kinari tell us - we have years of research behind us aimed in particular at those "places" in music left for various reasons in gray areas and our goal is to rediscover them in order to explore them and give them our color. This is the reason why the Ensemble promises to be a formation open to welcoming musicians who want to join our idea of a union between research and performance. The Ensemble Kinari is a modular ensemble founded in 2019 by Azusa Onishi (violin), Mizuho Ueyama (viola), Gianluca Pirisi (cello), Flavia Salemme (piano). The Ensemble's first project concerns the discovery of the chamber music repertoire of the Sicilian composer Eliodoro Sollima. In 2021, the album Eliodoro Sollima - Chamber music was recorded for the Brilliant record label, covering the production of the Sicilian composer from 1948 to 1992, selecting 6 of the most representative works of his chamber music production. The cellist Giovanni Sollima, the composer's son, also takes part in the album for the bonus track "Aria". Since its foundation, the Kinari Ensemble has performed in some of the most important Italian festivals, such as the Unione Musicale of Turin, the "Suoni Riflessi" Festival of Florence, the Perugia Classica ONLUS Foundation, the Pinerolo Music Academy, the "Amici della Musica di Palermo" musical association, and the Roman Philharmonic Academy. Since 2021, the Kinari Ensemble has been part of the Le Dimore del Quartetto circuit.

CD - 1 disk
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