Edwards, Jackie
Mr. Peaceful
Jackie Edwards voice can be heard on 100s of Ska, R&B. Soul and Rocksteady records. In fact all the in carnations that evolved from Reggae. He was at the birth of Island Records and his distinctive soulful voice has rightly given him the moniker of the Original Cool Ruler. Jackie Edwards (b. Wilfred Edwards 1938,Jamaica)was a renowned singer from the early days and by 1959 had presented future Island Records owner Chris Blackwell with two outstanding tunes. The first a sentimental ballad "Your eyes are Dreaming" and a Latin beat tune "Tell me Darling". His song writing skills were much in so demand and his popularity of such importance that when Chris Blackwell went to London in1962 to set up his record company he took his top Balladeer Jackie with him. This would pay dividends when a UK group Blackwell had signed called The Spencer Davis Group went on to release two of Jackies compositions "Keep on Running" and "Somebody Help Me", which topped the British charts in 1966.