Decharne, Max
New Shade Of Black
The 4 track tapes demos that Max did between London and Berlin between 1995 and 2002, working himself on these tracks before getting those in studio with the Flaming Stars... Eight tracks which combine the original backing tracks with proper studio vocals and the occasional simple overdub, plus two completely new versions of some of his songs... The whole record has been completed at Ed Deegans fine analogue studio, Gizzard... Mark Rubenstein (Sour Jazz) did the fantastic artwork this Lp needed. Max Dcharn is a musician and author from England. With several bands he has released eleven albums and roughly thirty singles, and also recorded nine John Peel Sessions. He played drums with his friend Nikki Sudden before joining Gallon Drunk in 1991, with whom he toured the world. Since 1994, he has been the singer with the Earls Of Suave, then The Flaming Stars.