Cynical Existence
Erase, Evolve And Rebuild
CYNICAL EXISTENCE seems to be an unstoppable machine set to eradicate all dancefloors from the surface of the Earth! The new album title "Erase, Evolve and Rebuild" says it all in a nutshell... It's with a very annihilating and destructive attitude that Fredrik Croona shouts 'out and loud' the chorus of his new club hit "Erase Me". Leaving no space to compromise, CYNICAL EXISTENCE hits hard on the nail while it's hot, and strikes back with an even more aggressive album. And even if the Swedish artist reveals a more open and diversified songwriting, we quickly recognize the familiar raw, harsh, dark and dirty elements which characterize CYNICAL EXISTENCE's style! Fans of ravaging EBM with dominant harsh vocals and loud sinister synths will definitely enjoy the forceful beats and adrenaline-pumping elektro sequences of this new album. Struggle, debauchery, decay, imperfection, regret, paranoia... so many dark themes come to fruition on this full length album and perfectly fit the "Fuck the sick and dirty soulless generation" feel of these 14 new songs!