Corner Boys
Waiting For 2020
Whats that you say? The punk album of 2019? Ahhh, cmon man, its way too early for grand statements like that. What, you think you can make this claim? Just because Vancouver trio Corner Boys have managed to mesh the finest elements of Good Vibrations heroes like Rudi, Protex and (sure) The Undertones with the buzzsaw powerpop of their city forefathers, the Pointed Sticks? Just because songs like (Im Such A) Mess flow so effortlessly into your consciousness that youll start wondering how your brain ever functioned without em? Hell, just because this might just be a perfectly-executed example of the sort of spiky, addictively essential treat wed all started to wonder if wed ever hear again? Waiting For The 2020 follows a duo of excellent singles (2017s Just Dont Care and last years Love Tourist, released by Drunken Sailor and Dirt Cult respectively) and it doesnt just pick up where they left off - it does what you always hope the follow-up to an opening salvo will do. It takes the promise they set forth and does way more than merely deliver on it, instead providing us with hook after hook and pogo-worthy pop classic after pogo-worthy pop classic. It makes you want to bounce around the room and dance on the steering wheel of a bulldozer as it ploughs through the local Conservative club. only to flip the disc and return the needle to the start as soon as it leaves the groove. So no, lets not call it the punk album of 2019 just yet; lets give it some time to breathe and see how we all feel many months down the line. Still, sometimes you just get a hunch.