Forever Baptised In Eternal Fire
At last, BLACKEVILs breakout moment arrives with their long-awaited second album, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire. Of course, ones for astute titles, BLACKEVIL nevertheless lay it all on the line with Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire, bringing together their not-inconsiderable past with an envious present and doubtlessly damned future! Naturally, theyd never betray their roots - whether its the German thrash Big Three of Sodom, Kreator, and Destruction or evil speed metal legends like Razor, Evil Angel, OZ, and Exciter, and plenty of other classic points in between - but the way the trio assimilate them into something thats so uniquely their own and yet so uniquely and purely HEAVY METAL, we can only guess theres some black magick at play. Put another way, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire is fucking EPIC from beginning to end, but it never sounds like its straining to sound "epic." Likewise, one could charitably qualify BLACKEVIL here as transcending blackthrash altogether, so creative is this idiosyncratic iteration of the idiom.but even then, thats selling both band and record short.