Auld, Audrey
Come Find Me
"Dont mistake the title of Audrey Aulds Come Find Me as any kind of shy retreat. Call it what she does: an "invitation." "Come find me, come find me, I want to be found," she offers on the albums winsome opening waltz, then seals the deal with an offer hard to refuse: "Youre welcome to glorious me." She sings it sweetly, but with a flirty flash of unmistakable, cocky cheek - almost a dare, really, as befits a fiercely independent artist whos been self-releasing albums for more than a decade now under the tell-all banner of Reckless Records. Her dozen new songs on Come Find Me find her confidently moving from folk and country to swinging jazz, rock and even an intriguing bit of talking-blues-style rap. "one of the most honest original artists I know" - Fred Eaglesmith