Atomic Suplex
Bathroom Party
Prepare yerselves for a loudass obnoxia-fest, folks: heres a muy fine 12- cut 45 rpm 12" of SCREE from Londons ATOMIC SUPLEX! This wild platter grabs a few cuts issued on 45s and adds on some never-ished MONSTERS. Side One kicks off with the surfbeat propelled sax-honkin out&out WAILIN instro "ACTION TIME", proceeds to trash yer ass senseless via the frenetic poonkrawk thrash of "ROCK & ROLL MACHINE", down- shifts (fer just a tad, mind ye!) into the scuz-intro-then- bosharoo of "ROCK & ROLL ACTION", brings the dance party back via the roots/diddleycated thumper/ chantalong chugger "DIAMOND SKULL", then plonks into more ramped-up & sax-addled wail via "ATOMIC SUPLEXED BY A GIRL", and ENDS Side One with the short- fast-and-blunt "BATHROOM PARTY". Side Two kicks in with the moto-revvin screepunk "GIRL RIDE", leading smackdab into the bigriff & big- beat-propelled "IM ON", then the Cochran-riffery of "ROCK & ROLL IS NEVER GONNA DIE", followed/answered appropriately with "ROCK & ROLL MUST DIE", the punkslammin pace keeps on with "I AM ROCK & ROLL", then the lads abruptly change pace to end this wild ride with a SLOW GRINDER, "LITTLE BOY BLUES", a blownout puke-drenched gutter crawl.