A singer-songwriter, Wysteria is the heir of a light, airy and genuine folk sound and modern Pop, from Vashti Bunyan to Billie Eilish. Yet her music remains coherent in the themes it tackles. If Cyann is naturally gifted as a composer, she is also an excellent lyricist. She writes stories as well as poems.At ease in both English and French, her texts are a true declaration of love to nature and life. Water, air, fire and all the natural elements are inexhaustible sources of inspiration for Cyann, who succeeds in associating an imagery and an atmosphere with simple, meaningful sensations.Cyann is a spontaneous artist, and her voice doesn't betray her. Her singing comes straight from the heart, natural, una-dorned singing, comparable to that of Beth Gibbons (Portishead). Bold and inspired, Cyann has many strings to her bow. The breathtaking freshness and the wide range of her repertoire will surprise many a listener.