Wooden Faces, The
Flying The Wrong Way
Flying The Wrong Way is The Wooden Faces first album. The album was recorded two ways at the same time. Each signal was split, one going to a reel to reel tape recorded and one going to a computer. The computer part was easy. The control room was a spaghetti mess of leads going to a borrowed analogue desk and compressors. Paper and pens were used to write down what had been done and in general there was a dawning realisation how easy modern recording is in comparison to its predecessor. Computers log dates and information and route signals without leads and they can send each other files. Goulven had to fly from France and record all the guitar parts in 24 hours because.you know. he couldnt be sent files over the internet. The reverb chamber was the stairwell and all backing vocals and percussion were performed in that stairwell at the same time because there was a limited amount of channels to record to. In terms of the process it was firmly established that modern digital recording is much, much easier. In terms of the end product. You decide for yourself! Flying The Wrong Way is released on cassette and digital download. In buying the album you get two versions. One has never been turned into digital information. It has been recorded, mixed and mastered with only analogue equipment directly on to cassette. The digital download has been edited, mixed and mastered using cutting edge technology and saved as a file.