Sore Losers
Explore the wild and eccentric world of John Michael McCarthy, the cult exploitation movie director from Memphis, USA, through this unique collection of three soundtracks. Known for his rebellious spirit and homage to retro-kitsch aesthetics, McCarthy's films are a vibrant mix of rock 'n' roll, subversive storytelling, and exploitation cinema. This collection features the soundtracks from The Sore Losers, Teenage Tupelo, and Superstarlet A.D., each bringing to life the sonic chaos and visceral energy of McCarthys cinematic universe. Step into the chaotic world of The Sore Losers, where Hot Rod Juvenile Delinquents from outer space wreak havoc in Memphis. This Southern Psychedelic Sexploitation film, shot on 16mm, is paired with a killer Lo-Fi Garage/Punk soundtrack that perfectly captures the films rebellious energy. Featuring tracks from underground legends like The Makers, Guitar Wolf, and Jack Oblivian, this limited edition 2xLP release is a must-have for fans of cult cinema and gritty rock 'n' roll. With only 500 copies available, its a rare gem for collectors.