ELEKTRONISCHE KASSETTENMUSIK DUESSELDORF 1982-1989. Unadorned post-war apartment houses dominated the views of the city, which strangely was experienced as "elegant" by the flaneurs on the Koenigsallee. The muted, bureaucratic cement slabs, the "art bunker" otherwise known as the Kunsthalle, not far from the Ratinger Strasse with its punk history, and the brutally futuristic elevated railway called "The Millipede" stood out in a powerful gray. This was Duesseldorf in the early 1980s. Yet reconstruction was in full swing. The bank buildings on the "Koe" received postmodern interiors. The old town became stylishly retro-rustic and advertising agencies displaced the last industrial companies in the harbor. And the music? It took all of this on. Punk was finished, but its pathos still drifted desolately through pubs and shared flats. At the same time, synthesizers had become increasingly affordable due to digital electronics, allowing more and more people to make music. This music pushed ahead slightly in order to dock onto the electronic sounds of the 1970s Krautrock scene - no one called it "cosmic music" back in those days. But most chose the detour via records by Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, Eric Random, Human League or the more unfamiliar experimental sounds gathered on a somewhat morbid-looking compilation entitled "The Elephant Table Album".