Do The Rock Steady 1966-1968
"The greatest man that came from Jamaica and changed the whole beat from Ska to Rock Steady was Lyn Taitt.He was from Trinidad but Bryon Lee did bring him come to Jamaica as an organist but he started playing guitar and the rest is history! We should call him Rock Steady...Its Lyn Taitt as he was the man! He played lead guitar and Ska at the same time"...Bunny Lee Rock Steady only lasted for a brief period from 1966 to 1968,but its significance to the subsequent development of Jamaican music is incalculable and it would go on to shape each successive musical movement over the next four decades. Deejays,Digital and Dance hall all stepped to the tune and pace of rhythms whose origins were grounded in the Rock Steady beat and it is impossible to ever overstate its importance...or its beauty