Dearly Departed; True Lies In Song
True Lies in Song Unearthed fro Mone Fir Cemetary - A Benfit for Lone Fir Cemetary What do an axe murderess, a poet with a hankering for drowning, and a French prostitute have in common? They are all permanent residents of Lone Fir cemetery, one of Portlands historical, architectural, and horticultural gems. And they come to life in a new CD of original songs by some of the citys best musicians. Proceeds from the CD support restoration projects for Lone Fir Cemetery. Musicians include Amelia, James Beaton, Jim Brunberg, Holcomb Waller, Jesse Emerson with Fernando, Alex James, Nick Jaina, Pete Krebs, Storm Large, Leigh Marble, Adam Shearer & Adam Seltzer, Matt Sheehy, Stolen Sweets, Chris Robley & The Fear of Heights, the Taciturns and Ritchie Young