Accordeon Vol. 2 : Musette - Swing / Paris 1925-1942
(2-CD set) Following the success of the first volume of AccordEon, musette et swing 1913-1941, here is a new compilation devoted to a musical genre that was the very symbol of a style of life, of an era, and of a world in which the adjective "popular" held no pejorative connotation. It includes sides for which space could not be found in Volume 1, plus others that have been unearthed since.The whole triggers a pleasant thrill of nostalgia, quite apart from the excitement of rediscovering a whole string of top-class artists : accordionists Gus Viseur, Tony MurEna and Medard Ferrero ; gypsy guitarists Jean "Matelo" Ferret and his brother Pierre "Baro" Ferret ; and musicians of the calibre of trumpeter Philippe Brun and alto-saxophonist Maurice Blanc.All styles are represented, from the most musette ("IndiffErence"), via the most gypsy (a fresh outing for "Nuages"), to the most swinging ("Philippe Stomp", a piece much in the Charles TrEnet vein). Includes a 24 page booklet with both French and English notes.