United Hammond Jazz Quartet
Live At The De Witte
It has become common practice now: jazz concerts, recorded live on cd by O.A.P. Records, right in the centre of The Hague at the splendid location of what is officially known as "The Nieuwe of Littraire Sociëteit De Witte", a private club founded in 1782 and generally referred to as 'De Witte'. In 2018 it was saxophone legend Scott Hamilton and company who were invited by the Jazz Table and this time Mike LeDonne, one of the leading Hammond B3 organ players in the world and master alto saxophonist Vincent Herring supported by two of Hollands finest jazz musicians, Martien Oster on guitar and Hans Braber on drums, appeared in "De Witte" on Monday April 8th 2019 as part of their "That Feeling" tour.