Hardcore Methodology
Limited to 300 copies! Full colour digipak, artwork by Elena De Angeli, mastering by Simon Balestrazzi (T.A.C.). In the past few years, Corrado Alteri (Candor Chasma, Monosonik, TH26)' s has been making quite a name for himself with his loudest project, thanks to the complex and highly differentiated styles of each release, always hoisting the banner of abrasive post-industrial experimentation. Cold experimental atmospheres, concrete sounds, analog violence , pure industrial wreckage and full frontal power electronics, are the m any different ingredients that make Hardcore methodology a real manifest o that shows the many faces and skills of UNCODIFIED thanks also to the collabo- ration with acclaimed and notorious projects and individuals like Simon Balestrazzi (ex-Kirlian Camera), Marco Wertham's Caligu la031, Paolo Bandera's SShe Retina Stimulants, Bologna Violenta and Gian luca Favaron. With the help of these fellow gentlemen, Altie ri successfully assembles his work by constantly comparing its compositions to the methodology used by directors of Hardcore movies, obsessively following the same flow and scenes visualization by mean of the constan tly-changing structures of his work.