Stupor Mentis
Ad Extirpanda
Stupor Mentis is a Dark-Ambiant/Neo-classical duet formed in 2015. The general atmosphere of their music, foggy and oppressive sometimes turn into lyrical musing, escorting you to the edge of the "Stupor Mentis". This latin term refers to this special mental "no-being" state characterised by a complete suspension of intelectual activities; then, transported out of yourself. "Ad Extirpanda" is the first real album of Stupor Mentis, following two now deleted self-released Albums ("In Memoriam", 2016 and "Apostat", 2017). This album contains selected tracks from both self-produced releases, completely re-arranged, re-mastered in upgraded, new versions. The songs alternate between French, English, Spanish and Latin - quoting poems by Charles Baudelaire, Emile Cioran and Rafael Alberti - all united here with an outstanding sound, that lives of atmospheric and symphonic instrumentation.