Die Ballade Von Der "blutigen (box)
A pitch-black background. The thick thorn hedge creeps insurmountably upwards, framing the precious flowers in its own quite unique tender yet morbid manner, in order to protect the treasure in the centre: the rose heart. It gleams blood red. Sensuously, seductively and intensively, it draws you into its spell; insidiously, it lures its admirers into ruin. Its not so innocent as you might think at first glance. By now, delicate drops of blood are forming on the full petals, enabling you to suspect what sinister intention this rose is really pursuing. If you look more closely, it reveals its true face. That spine-chilling yet beautiful scenery describes the wonderful artwork for SPIELBANNs new escapade, and reveals a whole load of things about the latest disc from the charismatic gothic rock ensemble: Die Ballade von der "Blutigen Rose". This exceptional band have taken the widest variety of fairytales and stories, both known and unknown, and have reclothed them in their dark and sombre cosmos. They have been set to music in a special way, creating unusual perspectives and angles before they were finally poured into an individual, immensely compelling and fascinating mould. Ten stories have been retold and reinterpreted. Lyrically, they are of the very highest quality, and are illustrated with captivating visual imagery that is emotional and moving at the same time. When you think of stories, narrations and fairytales, the thought is never far from the back of your mind. The thought of him: Asp. Gothic icon and the embodiment of dark literary narrative skill, who has completely mastered this art. ASPs frontman has already been providing support to SPIELBANN for some years now. Of course, it was he who recognised their great potential and whose passion, skill, creativity and experience, but above all lifeblood, flowed into the pieces on their previous releases Wiederganger and In Gedenken. The results spoke for themselves: a truly magical and very fruitful symbiosis between SPIELBANN and grand master Asp came into being. So its no great surprise that Die Ballade von der "Blutigen Rose" also arose from this wonderful collaboration. As soon as SPIELBANN had come up with their fairytale concept, it was immediately clear to them that no less than Asp should contribute his incomparable abilities as poetic narrator. The gothic luminary hesitated at first, as he was already bogged down with countless projects of his own. But in the end, even he could not resist SPIELBANNs spine-chilling fairytale idea, and eventually contributed some captivating stories and compositions. He was also responsible for the ideas for the breathtaking artwork, which was meticulously illustrated and laid out in fine detail by none other than artist Pit Hammann. Something is already set in stone: escaping SPIELBANNs seductive sounds is revealed to be an impossible undertaking when stirring rock tracks (Hier kommt dein Tag, Tanz Koenigin tanz), thunderously explosive guitar riffs (Unschoenheit, Wo sie warten) and dark yet catchy compositions (Der volle Mond, Herz der Finsternis, Die Ballade von der "Blutigen Rose") meet the saddest, most fragile sweeping melodies (Meerjungfraubeine) in order to culminate in yearning cascades of sound (Heisse Asche, Dorothea). This mixture of punchy, driving moments and that profoundly moving melancholy and sadness promote Die Ballade von der "Blutigen Rose" to a virtuoso treasure for the mournful dark heart. Words that bring the soul to a state of turmoil before softly stroking it again. SPIELBANN master this type of contrasting poetry perfectly. The gothic rock ensemble tells stories of dark intensity, but which are full of fairytale-like beauty, thus ensuring that something quite unique comes into being. The sound art created by the five individuals is crowned by the alternating vocals of Seb Storm and the enchanting Nic Frost; two voices that couldnt possibly better harmonise with each other. Never were fairytales so seductive as on the Die Ballade von der "Blutigen Rose". Exquisite digipak edition in A5 format With three bonus tracks With guest vocals, lyrics and additional compositions by Asp Lavishly designed 32-page booklet in special format With magnificent illustrations by Pit Hammann Includes all album lyrics Exquisite art print on high quality art paper Encased in a stylish spot-varnished slipcase Hand-numbered certificate Signed by the entire band and co-author Asp