Christmas Ghouls
Just barely half a year after Elena Alice Fossis latest outing "License To Kill", the charismatic Kirlian-Camera-singer embarks on a very special journey exploring the cold seasons atmosphere and her softer side. Framed by two otherworldly renditions of "Silent Night", a Christmas classic if ever there was one, SPECTRA*paris envelop us in a climate of pure magic, infused by the spirit of the enchanted heavens, saints and ghosts, invisible devils and a sense of the sacred, but also allowing disquieting moments to sneak in every once in a while. As far removed from the cringe-inducing kitsch that floods the record dealers shelves at the end of every year as can be, this little sonic gem not only uncovers a previously unknown side of the band but is also THE definitive sound track for all those who have always longed to invoke a Christmas spirit of a different kind.