Schreng Schreng & Lala
Projekt 82
Do you know anyone in the music industry who celebrated the year 2020 as their nicest? Overall, given everything? No? Neither do we. When Schreng Schreng & La La write in their self-analysis "2020 was a shit year" all we can do at first is nod. And yet, now in 2021 we are looking at albums from this said shit year, which the world needs and make it more bearable. One of them is called "Project 82", the third long-player of Schreng Schreng & La La and will be released on 26.03.2021 on Rookie Records. "Project 82 was meant to be political. But who is in the mood for politics this year?" ask Lasse and Jorkk, and refer to their first single and the obvious political song "Alukappenspacken", which in their view says it all ("All the idiots who say "Kanake" / All the "Kanaillen" who like to wear aluminium caps / All the stupid ones explaining to foreigners / That there is no place here anymore and that they should just drown"). And so, the album in its personal and often unusually quiet, melancholic moments does not only appear as private navel-gazing.