Sargasso Trio
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Voodoo tom toms and electro bass, hot synths and desert riffs, tambourines and screams form an eastern euro-folk karate dream. All these things and more combine in the sound of SargassoTrio. Not many bands can straddle calypso, folk, synth funk and gunslinger soundtrack, but Sargasso Trio do just that. Eclecticism and originality have always been key since they found each other playing in a samba band in deepest Norfolk. Their first acclaimed album was released on Tummy Touch imprint Boy Scout Records - "A joy from start to finish" Mail On Sunday - "What's the next genre ripe for a spot of hipster polish? Samba! Here are Norwich's Sargasso Trio" - NME "To call it eccentric, although it certainly is, is to sell it short. It ventures into satisfying depths which mere quirkiness cannot survive" Mail On Sunday The new album has dancehall ballads, keyboard soul, latin lovesongs, art pop, and all the spirit and adventure that is Sargasso Trio.