Sanko, Myles
Forever Dreaming
The soul singer and songwriter based in England known as Myles Sanko released his debut "Born in Black & White" to broad critical and fan acclaim in 2013. Featuring seven original funk and soul tracks written and performed by Myles himself, this EP was perceived and played in the style of soul greats such as Bill Withers, Otis Redding, Al Green and James Brown, all of whom Myles openly names and proudly as his main musical infl uences. A stop-to-fi nish work of deep grooves and jazzy musical knowledge, Now "Born in Black & White" is followed up by Myles Sankos fi rst full-length album "Forever Dreaming". Dubbed as the lovechild of soul music, Myles Sanko began his music career by singing and rapping alongside disc jockeys in nightclubs. He has fronted popular bands such as Bijoumiyo, plus working with funk kings Speedometer who were touring with James Browns 35 years soul sister Ms Martha High. "My intention," writes Myles, "is to produce music with a feel good vibe and lyrical content that makes my listeners think." In order to select an appropriate collection of compositions for professional recording in the studio, Myles uploaded live videos of himself giving acoustic performances to the internet. He then invited his bevy of fans throughout Europe to give their opinions regarding which tracks would best fi t his debut EP release. This interactive spirit, which has guided Myless solo career to date, reveals much about his humanist spirit, genial character, and artistic integrity.