Rosa Rubea
In special Gatefold Deluxe, Vinyl-look Digipak with very rich 20 pages booklet! RosaRubea's 'Chrysalide' is an electro-acoustic psychedelic experience transfigured into music of metamorphic Desire. A work conceived as a metamorphosis, after a long and painful incu- bation: death is followed by coveted rebirth. The music, carried by Daniela Bedeskis (ex-Leadsinger of CAMERATA MEDIOLANENSE) vocals was written by all the band members, alongside one track born by a collaboration with Cropcircle. The musical breath is always a breath opened to experimenting, though still faithful to a melodic inspiration, in an encounter between classical sounds of piano, cello or acoustic guitar and elec- tronic manipulations, onto which the voice, metamorphic itself, draws arabesques of lights and shadows. The changes in rhythm or intensity, evident in such tracks as "Hekla" or "Flood" mark the passage from a time of waiting or preparation to one of burst or rebirth. In "Konig" - cover of a well-known song by Nico - on a spiralling crescendo of electric guitar and synth, raises a woman's love song to her man, her "king": a psychedelic spell which pervades the whole CD...