Poncet, Yann-gael
Transcontinental Shajara
The Transcontinental Shajara is the meeting of two brothers, two voices of exceptions that become One for the environmental cause.The Transcontinental Shajara (TNL Shajara) is the third part of the international electro-jazz adventures of French singer and violinist Yann-Gaël Poncet. A hymn to trees (Shajara in Arabic) and friendship between peoples.He has invited Mounir Troudi, one of the most beautiful voices in the Arab world, and director and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand.Mounir Troudi - Voix, Bendir, Violin on Loued Mohamed Ben Salha - Nay, KawalaJean-Paul Herv - Guitars, BassPhilippe Gilbert - Saxophone, ElectroOlivier Gnin - DrumsJohane Viogeas - voice on Dun autre effort , etYann-Gaël Poncet - Voice, Violin, ElectroRecorded by Olivier BiffaudMixed by Olivier BiffaudMastering by Philippe Labroue