Parsons, Joseph
Holy Loneliness Divine
Holy Loneliness Divine is the latest and final album by the "Joseph Parsons Band" (JPB), after which the members followed their individual musical paths. To celebrate this final pinnacle, the band has recorded an album that fully reflects their signature sound, culled from countless recording sessions and live shows. From the opening anthem "Dreaming a Universe," the scathing songs chart the world's path into a troubled future and find hope on its not-so-inevitable path. The album is a rock record that exploits the depths of traditional instruments - drums, bass, electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards - with a touch of modern flavors to accentuate moods and provide ear candy for the headphone enthusiasts among us. The production is almost as big a part of Parsons' palette as the songwriting itself. When played solo, the songs hold up beautifully and showcase the breadth of Parsons' offbeat songwriting style. In the studio, the band's full, uncluttered arrangements push those boundaries, bringing the listener an enhanced musical range of each of the songs. This is backed up by the soaring electric guitar solos and flawless vocals throughout.