Papadopoulou, Katerina -& Aegean Arc-
The Aegean Arc is an area with a lot of geological turmoil and intense tectonic activity. This is due to the convergence of two tectonic plates, the Eurasian and the African, which causes consecutive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions along the Arc. The Aegean Sea has served as a passage and a bridge which brought its residents into contact with other civilizations, broadening their spiritual horizons and enriching their knowledge and experience. In this melting pot of cultures, the Greek spirit, vibrant for centuries, blossomed and bore fruit, sharing its harvest/crop with all travelers. Sea, an element of perpetual movement, of endlessness, of departure and of homecoming, is ever-present in the songs of the Greek people, as a mother, who loves, scolds, sends away and always welcomes: Sea is my mother, Wave is my sister Fish of the ocean, my beloved, says the folk verse of the anonymous islanders who sang their joy, their pain, their needs, their life. This sea, the Aegean, is the inspiration of this album, while the Aegean Arc is a voyage, a line of small imprints on the map, of minor or major turbulence, explosions of emotions and vibrations of uncreated energy, the energy that keeps us alive.