Oliver Twist Kooperation
Tausend Kleine Taenze
The contemporary "Absolutely Free" (1967 album by FRANK ZAPPA & THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION)! An album which exploits on the basis of contemporary rock and its varieties - such as Indietronics, Disco-Punk, House-attitude and rebellious Jazz-Chic - through all aspects of fundamental hypocrisy, marginalization, lost revolt, the degradation of art and the absurdities of hype-mechanisms, double standards, in short: the making precarious all social means. Subsequent semantic generations will listen to the music and the extensive use of weird, crotchety and really annoying voices, the manic use of quotations, the consistent exhaustion of all means of engineering in the studio (which will make it impossible to reproduce most of the songs live), it's style-hopping and it's neurotic addiction to embarrassment in pain.