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Neurosen Bluhen
Be afraid! Anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, borderline psychosis, burn-out, depressions, sozial phobia, escape into religion or illusion - the structures which cristallize on the (psychic) iceberg below the surface have many faces. Neurosis is social norm for a while. Why else should we accept damaged characters in leading positions? And why else should we condone a system, which benefits a minority for sawing the branch slowly but surely on which the majority is sitting? The proportion between anxiety and lust is like an addiction. Caught between fascination and paralysis we follow how rat catcher and fire raiser scrimmage in our center. As it is proven that the world is much crazier as we thought, we state: neurosis bloom! And while the passengers of the not sinkable Titanic were tipsy from champagne, we are drunk from our own adrenalin - and watch as disbelieving as those, how our ship drifts to the iceberg.