Near Earth Orbit
Mission E.d.e.n.
Regular edition, printed in 1500 copies in Digipak with 24 pages booklet! The final chapter of the END OF ALL EXISTENCE trilogy, that is a window into the future! N..E.O. is a project by Artaud Seth (GARDEN OF DELIGHT, MERCIFUL NUNS) and Ashley Dayour (WHISPERS IN THE SHADOW, THE DEVIL & THE UNIVERSE). Brilliant, visionary, bodacious - attributes that describe the Dayour & Seth project rather well. The films inherent visual prowess and power alone and especially in conjunction with the amazing score of NEAR EARTH ORBIT is truly formidable, awesome and certain to blow the listeners mind and senses. In a time of stupefying mainstream works and boring sequels one must simply pay homage in gratitude for the complex content. With their soundtrack and in their unique incon- ceivable way, the two architects of sound Artaud Seth and Ashley Dayour manage to unreel an imaginary movie in the listeners mind. This film does not require a movie theatre. It requires your intellect. NEAR EARTH ORBIT delivers a complex blockbuster masterpiece with a perfect mixture of post-apocalypse, paranoia and fiction. 2034, Cult! A secret, manned space expedition, called MISSION E.D.E.N., was incepted to investigate a newly discovered wormhole. The Jupiter Moon IO was chosen for the location of a base station. The world teetering on the brink of an abyss; rainfall already sparse and declining, bushfires and apocalyptic sand storms are becoming the norm. Whole nations have become extinct already, with many plants and wildlife facing the same fate. Nuclear facilities are left to their own devices, out of control satellites orbit the planet; energy supplies break down and the world descends into a dark and gloomy end time scenario in which only a few survivors remain to face a hopeless struggle. We are homing in on the divine and jump back in time to arrive just prior to the zero point. There is hardly any life left on Earth; only a few survivors void of all hope continue to suffer under the prevailing cosmic catastrophe. All alone they await the final moment. whilst a couple of astronauts descend on to the surface of a planet; their mission: to find a new habitat. Yet what they did find was far more beautiful than anything one could have ever imagined: transformation. Yet what indeed does await beyond the known boundaries? Once again we find plenty of scope for interpretation. A disturbing website accompanies "N.E.O.", aptly known as radio-transmitter-page (www.nearEarthOrbit.org) it encompasses messages from the year 2033 and 2034. From all corners of the globe so called "transmission codes" are being collated therein, which can be pinpointed to serve as warning to the people in the past. Mind is the only constant of all existence! www.NearEarthOrbit.org