14 years have passed since the spectacular debut album ,Distances" by NamNamBulu took the international electropop scene by storm. Distances also marked the birth of an all new label: INFACTED RECORDINGS. In fact(ed), it was the the first EVER release [2003] on the label founded by ex-Zoth Ommog and ex-Bloodline A&R manager Torben Schmidt. and as we all know, it was an instant success! After two singles (Memories, Alone) and two EP releases (Expansion, Blinded) that further increased the success and popularity of this Swiss band, NamNamBulu suddently and very sadly disappeared due to the split of their members [2006]. A quite long period of silence was the result while their catchy clubhits such as ,Memories", ,Now or Never", ,Beaten" or ,Alone" never really disappeared from the scene and... Suddenly, almost out of nowhere the band re-united in 2014 with a first single release (Sorry). Now, another 3 years later, the biggest Swiss Electro instituation after Yello return with very strong, massive second album under the flag of ,Borders". 10 new songs with almost 60 mins. of running time bringing you charismatic and catchy new tunes by songwriter Vasi Vallis and singer Henrik Iversen. Borders for sure is one of the ,must have" releases for 2017 for literally EVERYONE into electronic pop!