Music For Installations
Fractions Of Unity
Little moments of truth are the building blocks in the understanding of the greatness or even the infiniteness of being. Consider these ten fragments of sound which can be perceived as all small elements, that make a bigger whole as a concept in this album. However, each of these partials are a world, a soundscape on its own. Therefore the choice of the term fractal is not by coincidence. Whether you zoom in on details, or zoom out on the global context of each soundgarden, they will still evoke a kind of infinity that can be translated in the everlasting and returning dilemma of our own being: each living element versus the whole, in which we are set to live only a infinitesimal fragment of time. It will probably stay difficult for a long time to come to grasp the concept of the wholeness of the universe as we know it, that fits into one tiny point, if you would roll back until the beginning of time. The opposite sentiment is something that everybody will once have experienced on our planet: seeing, feeling a small object, moment, feeling which seems to show you the greatness of the whole, the infinity of our existence. Once you start contemplating these contracts, from big to small, form little to grand, you will quickly hit the border of what you can explain in maths and then the metaphysical will enter the game of thought. This fascinating, sort of pulsating, way of experiencing can be seen as the source, the ground tone of the small elements that have been used to build up this album. Limited to 150 copies, comes in a 4 page digipack This is Belgian Neumusik Chapter 30