Movie (import)
Ultimate Wheels
From classic cars to supercars our two creative petrol heads Elo and Will just can't resist turning rust buckets into Ultimate Wheels... and even better when they can turn a tidy profit in the process too. Every episode will focus on one imaginative car transformation and customisation as well as featuring another incredible car story. From music videos to fashion shoots, demands from a Saudi royal family to kids running amok with paint in the garage, there is never a dull moment at Elo's supercar workshop. Join Will and Elo as they invite viewers into their world of wonder. In every episode we see Will head off to find a bargain, rescuing a design icon going to waste. After haggling on the deal he brings it back. From the extraordinary mind of Elo a design is planned and the duo embark on a makeover plan to transform it into something really spectacular. Back in the workshop, the work begins... and so does the bickering. It's Will the mechanical genius versus Elo the style guru. Expect the banter and friendly rivalry to continue non-stop as the project turns from dream to reality. We follow the exciting and surprising process as it unfolds and the new wheels take shape in the garage. Expect the unexpected... It's an exciting moment as Will and Elo's customised car rolls out of the workshop for the first time. This sleek, stylish, growling monster will set the pulses racing of any red-blooded car enthusiast