Morricone, Ennio
La Trappola Scatta A Beirut - Il Successo
With "La trappola scatta a Beirut", Ennio Morricone entered the world of Eurospy with a great American-flavored jazz-swing score in which the composer completely eliminates the strings, leaving room for brass and rhythm section in the cues "La trappola scatta a Beirut (Titoli)," "Inseguimento," and "Missione pericolosa," and incorporating the organ to create atmospheres that evoke mystery and science fiction. There is no shortage of lounge moments either, such as the relaxing "Relax per un agente segreto," "Baci dopo le pallottole," "Languidamente," "Tramonto su Beirut," and the danceable "In piscina." Pure dynamite for all fans of the genre!