Miller, Ben
Feathers Of Ma'at
'Feathers of Ma'at' is the latest step in Ben Miller's musical and mystical journey. The title refers to the eagle-winged Egyptian goddess Ma'at, who is the embodiment of truth, order, balance, law, and justice. In hieroglyphic art, Ma'at is shown at the moment when the soul of the deceased is weighed against the feather of truth to determine whether the soul is worthy of continuing into the afterlife. To ben Miller, Ma'ats feathers represent the hope that the karmic laws of the universe will eventually resolve all imbalance and injustice. Jazz can often seem like a music of the moment, with its constant experimentation and split-second decision-making. But there is also a deep order to it, and connections with larger forces. Ben Miller finds creative, spiritual, and emotional sustenance in that interplay, he hopes it is reflected in this album.