Michel, Shoshana
Soul Whispers
Shoshana Michel's debut solo piano album, featuring arrangements of Chabad nigunim (Jewish Chasidic songs) that have been passed down through the centuries. Recorded in 2015, the album includes well-known melodies including Anim Z'miros, Ki Hinei Kachomer, Shamil and Rostover Nigun. When Shoshana discovered Chabad nigunim, songs of Jewish Eastern European origin, she started arranging and playing these beautiful melodies. The positive responses of listeners, moved by her soulful renditions of the nigunim, encouraged her to record and produce her debut album of piano solos, Soul Whispers. Soul Whispers can be heard on Whisperings Solo Piano Radio, Enlightened Piano Radio, Pandora and other internet radio stations. Jewish Education Media has used tracks from Soul Whispers in several of their documentaries. These arrangements are beautifully done and the music itself is a great addition to fans of solo piano music.