Matze Rossi
Und Jetzt Licht, Bitte !!
Finally! The new album by (SENORE) MATZE ROSSI is released on his own label DANCING IN THE DARK. Socialized in the punk rock milieu, MATTHIAS NURNBERGER aka MATZE ROSSI (BAD DRUGS) has been the singer and guitarist of the legendary band TAGTRAUM for nearly 14 years und shortly after their breakup in 2006 he released his fi rst solo-record. Although six years passed since the successful album "Und Wie Geht Es Deinen Damonen?" the interest of his numerous fans never weakened. "Und Jetzt Licht, Bitte!!!" is a more than adequate apology for this. Unlike his former album on which he entered the indie-fi eld with a band behind him, his current release got much more intimate and reduced and is more kind of a singer/songwriter-album with little piano, harmonica, carillon, violin once in a while and background vocals by various studio guests (TIGERYOUTH, NICOLE CARTER CASH, KATHA KARG, SANNE NURNBERGER, SABINE SCHOPS und BIANCA REBHAN-MULLER). What legions of pale-faced boys with german texts and acoustic guitar have always been trying in vain - "Und Jetzt Licht, Bitte!!!" shows how it works! This album is nothing less than an absolute indie-singer-songwriter-highlight!