A Broken Frame
The Yellow Vinyl release of A Broken Frame, released last month (and best selling Vinyl on presales in 21 years of Audioglobe history) is now sold out. A second edition Vinyl, in different colour is being prepared to satisfy the inexorable demand. Here now the DOUBLE CD version, featuring on CD1 all tracks from the inyl PLUS two ex-clusive covers of the B-Sides from Depeche Modes pre-A Broken Frame Singles See you and The Meaning of Love. Marsheauxs version of Now this is Fun (B-side of See you) offers a really special treat- ment for all Electro-fans, as the two Greeks succeeded to obtain an extraordinary guest for the lead-vocals on the track: British James New, leadsinger ofTHE MIRRORS, who had a major hit album in 2010 with Lights & Offerings. The second track Oberkorn is an instru- mental and Marsheaux added quite some twist to it! The instrumental is dedicated to a tiny village in Luxembourg, where Depeche Mode slept in a Hotel after a show and that remained in their memory forever, due to a quite hilarious experience...CD2 finally will feature ALL tracks from the regular Vinyl-Album in quite different, extended Versions - buying the 2CD, you thus get not less than 12 bonus-tracks in total.