Ska Tone Ep
12" Signed & Embossed Art Print The 2 Tone sound was a great period in the aftermath of Punk and included influences taken from Jamaican Ska. Mal-One had already worked on some Two Tone collages and had them put aside for some future project. He thought it would be fun to record some tracks related to these images and sounds. The first track he recorded was an instrumental track in the style of Harry J All Stars 'Liquidator' which he called 'Rude Boy Shuffle'. Initially to be put out as a stand alone track on some reggae label of some sort. He had a poem already which he called 'Two Tone Story', so put that on top of the 'Ska Train Is Back In Town' rhythm which he had put together for another song of that name. Finally 'Rude Boys and Rude Girls Listen Up! 'came together. Adding to this a couple of dub mixes and we have a 6 track 12". Mal-One thought the artwork worked better on a 12" format.