Maharajas, The
Just Let Him Go
How many nights and days did I spend listening to The Maharajas' album H-minor, while crying rivers of tears on Mathias Lilja's (The Strollers) amazing voice? How many words out of that milestone did I borrow for my own songs, next to some Teenage Shutdown desperate killers? I must admit I was almost missing these dark times of complete moodiness, and the deep sadness only The Maharajas can project in their songs. I have been sporadically in touch with the one and only Jens Lindberg (Crimson Shadows, Stomachmouths, Maggots, etc.) over all these years, until he recently sent me these two new songs. I couldn't believe my ears as I heard they still can be as moody as hell can be! Both "Just Let Him Go" (Jens Lindberg) and "Tell Me" (Ulf Guttormsson) are real monsters. I am so glad to have these two songs released on my humble little Moody Monkey label, especially because The Maharajas are extremely active and being highly demanded right now. Pull out your handkerchief and be prepared for an experience even Dr Freud wouldn't have imagined. The Maharajas have their own sound, their own language, they're not just another neo-band stuck in the 60s; they live NOW and are modern, not MODern. Here we go with Swedens finest tunes by the mighty Maharajas: the new and wonderful Maharajas single "Just Let Him Go"!