Lynn's Intention
With dark synth beats a smattering of searing metal guitar or cinematic effects, Lynns INTENTION launches their new album ,Ravenous!" Redesigning the sound of darkwave! The beats hammer, the lyrics provoke with shamanic chants piercing crys and poign creating a dramatic and cinematic feeling that at times almost soundtrack like. Dark and disturbing lyrics traverse fantasy landscapes of imagination and cutting reality of life and human behavior. Sometimes philosophical, sometimes political commentary, and sometimes darkly humorous , designed to tear away the veil of childhood and strip humanity down to its bestial elements. As Lynn says: ,I cast a mirror on society, I strip away the lies of childhood". All this blends into a package that can only be called original although it has roots clearly grounded in the darkwave area there are elements of industrial , cinematic strings and effects and on some tracks intense metal guitar riffs in minimal format shake the listener out of his malaise. With tracks like ,You Drink the poison" and ,Dumb prayer" one has the feeling you will be forced to confront your anger at the world and its ways ...But other tracks like ,March for the better man" challenge us to rise above..only to be torn back down again by the sore reminder of our species origins in When the dark god rules. This is darkwave fusion at its best, an almost cinematic journey through a dark world! New music for a dark world, from Lynns INTENTION