Lymbyc Systym
Shutter Release
The second album by the Tempe, Arizona instrumental band which formed in 2009. With a touring schedule that keeps them away from home more than not, Lymbic System miraculously completed their second full length album. Magnifying the already giant sounds of LOVE YOUR ABUSER (1st album) was not an easy task, but with John Congelton (Modest Mouse, Explosions In The Sky) shaping the mixdowns, they've managed a sincere, profoundly warm sounding experience. Instrumentation had become broader, arrangements more grandiose, and melodies more focused, resulting in a sublime second album. The band also have a split release with Texas wonders THIS WILL DESTROY YOU. Think 90's Thrill Jockey ALA Tortoise, Brokeback, Trans AM. Australian Import, black vinyl.