High Tension, Vol. 1
Following the release of Lee Selmoco's "Mosaico" we continue our journey with Vedette Records to bring back to life part of their incredible catalog, with the reissue of the first instalment of the "High Tension" series by Lesiman. Born in Florence in 1935, Paolo Renosto, the man behind the moniker Lesiman, was an incredible composer, experimenter, music teacher and piano player whose amazing skills and sound research brought him to work with Luigi Dallapiccola and Bruno Maderna, as well as being a member of the Associazione Nuova Consonanza of Roma. He obviously joined, for some time, the renowned Gruppo dImprovvisazione, with Franco Evangelisti and Domenico Guaccero. Released exactly 50 years ago and packed with dramatic tension, obscure drums and asphyxiating atmospheres revolving around the theme of war, composed with the additional input of Romolo Grano, Sandro Brugnolini and Guido Baggiani, this first volume in the series is a holy grail in Italian libraries as well as a prime example of "music especially crafted for films, television, radio, publicity and industrial use". Now available on vinyl for the first time as a limited edition of 500 copies.