Knebl, Dunja
33 Balade
These ballads are all traditional Croatian folk songs, mostly from continental areas such as Medimurje, Hrvatsko zagorje, Podravina, Prigorje. Many of the songs have never been recorded, and are based on written notes of folk lyrics and music researched and interpreted by Dunja Knebl. We know that love often sets in motion many lovely things in this world. However, we, "the most intelligent beings on Earth" continue to kill each other "in the name of love". Sometimes we kill each other because of passion/love, but mass killing is also "normal" because we go to war "in the name of love". From the beginning of time history keeps on repeating itself. These ballads bring stories from ancient times, but it seems as if they are taking place today. There are some ballads with happy fairy-tale endings, but alas, murder ballads prevail... When will we ever learn?