Ingram, Tammy
Love War
,Love War" by Tammy Ingram is a Singer-Songwriter album. The sonic environments Ingrams arrangements exist in are strong, beckoning the listener to the sound of a performance executed in a totally quiet coffee shop tucked away somewhere, perhaps in the 1960s fi lled with beatniks reading french literature. Of course this is not a live performance, but the sound is simply reminiscent of such scenery. Songs like ,Youll Never Know" feature instrumental embellishments comparable to Vaudeville, while her tender, even lightly smokey vocals sound like they are sung in the spirit of Dido. Rich vocal harmonies on tracks like ,Damsel" blend effortlessly with the deep harmonics of an accordion, ending eventually on the chorus lines: ,Here comes the winter of our discontented hearts This could be very wrong or very, very smart Take a leap with me into the ocean blue We will see how far we can swim to how far....."